
Star Wars Force Unleashed Trailer

If it's white, wait about 10 seconds for it to load. This looks so cool! Maybe they'll eventually make a movie for it. That would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also hope they make a Star Wars Episode 7 game. That gives me an idea for a poll!


MBJ said...

How on earth did you put an actual trailer onto your website? I always have to post a link... Can you tell me?

I love the trailer, by the way. I might get on PS3.

Skyler Olson said...

On gametrailers.com, I pressed share, then copy and pasted the code onto my website. I don't think it works on thinks like Apple trailers (I've tried).

Caseydude12345 said...

This game looks so amazing for the DS. I'll probably buy it. The graphics are awesome!