
Quantum of Solace Review

Surprisingly this is the first 007 movie I have ever seen. My parents don't usually let me watch James Bond, but for some reason I was aloud to see this one.

This film starts off with an exciting car chase scene, and the film really doesn't get any slower. The action in non-stop, and the whole movie is a thrill ride. Guns, cars, and everything you'd expect from a spy film.

But, that's the problem. It is only what you would expect, but not much more. I was really expecting this movie to be amazing, and it was good, but it is not my favorite spy movie. The reason why MI:3 was so good is that the villain was truly evil, scary, and unstoppable. The villain is QoS isn't really any of those.

That could be party the actors fault. While Daniel Craig is incredible, it's kinda of awkward when everyone else is just kinda average. I think they should've got an actor who seems scary for the villain.

The special effects are great, and that is pretty much the reason we watch spy films: to see stuff blow up. And there's plenty of that in QoS. But what this film lacks is a really good story. I do like how he is out for revenge, but sometimes it just seems fake.

Quantum of Solace is a great popcorn film. If you come to see explosions, guns, and action, Qauntum of Solace will not disappoint. But if you want a spy film with an engaging story and scary villain, mixed with explosions, I suggest you watch MI:3 instead. While this movie is great, it comes out short of anything to remember it by, besides a couple action scenes.



MBJ said...

I agree. By the way, I loved Mission: Impossible 3, and there is another James Bond movie with a great villian and a great story. It was Casino Royale.

Skyler Olson said...

I almost got it at the library, should I next time?