I got this game for 8 bucks on eBay, so I obviously wasn't expecting to much. Here's the review:
Graphics: Motorstorm was one of the few games that came out at the same time as the PS3, so you'd expect the graphics to be terrible. WRONG! The graphics are fantastic, and the rag-doll physics are hilarious. 9/10
Story: It's a racing game. 'nuff said.
Sound: While the music is slightly annoying, the motor sounds and the explosions all sound terrific. 9/10
Gameplay: This is motorstorm's strongest aspect. The physics feel great, and the game runs well. But the best part is the option of all the vehicles: semi-truck, motorcylce, dune buggy, just to name a few. 9/10
Multiplayer: Again, no splitscreen. There is online, but I haven't tried it and I probably will never. 6/10
Overall: 8.2/10 Again, another game without multiplayer. *sigh* Maybe I'll get the sequel, that's supposed to have multiplayer.
Same old "no multiplayer," huh? Oh, well, still sounds like a great game. I also played it on a Demo PS3 in Target.
Oh, that's cool. Did you know they have a Batman PS3 demo at Target now? Its so much fun!
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