
Ghost Rider Extended Cut Blu-Ray Review

I never saw this when it came out in theaters or even on DVD, for reasons I honestly don't know. I decided to get this on Blu-Ray from Netflix when I heard they are making a sequel. Here's what I thought.

Marvel has proved that comic book movies can be great blockbuster films, with the Spider-Man trilogy and the recent Iron Man series. I had never heard of Ghost Rider since the movie came out, but from what I've read, there seems to be a big fan base for the character. I just think it's odd that Ghost Rider gets a movie instead of better known Marvel heroes like Captain America (its a good thing Cap is getting his own movie next year).

Anyway, I'll start with the acting. It's outright atrocious. Remember when I made fun of Nick Cage in Knowing when he drops to his feet when his child gets taken away by the aliens? Well, when he turns into the flaming skeleton, its even worse. It almost looks like he's having a seizure, and if I was the director, I would have called an ambulance. The girl thats in it (don't know her name, she's from Will Smith's Hitch, though) does a pretty bad job as well, making a lot of the scenes painfully awkward when Ghost Rider tries to implicate a love story into it. But by far the worst is the actor for the villain, Blackheart. They couldn't have picked a worse actor for the antagonist. They basically picked a really nerdy guy that makes you want to laugh instead of scared. His cheesy one-liners make it all the worse, and I found myself actually lauging out loud when he said something like "You'll pay for this!". The acting in this film brings it down a lot.

I think the plot is alright. Its the standard cheesy comic book story that I think a lot of fans would appreciate, but regular film reviewers frown upon. Theres nothing incredibly exciting here, with not too many plot twists or surprises, but us comic book movie fans are used to that and we except the fact that we're here to watch the cool stunts and effects, and this is where Ghost Rider really shines.

Considering this is 3 years old, the effects are pretty good. If this movie came out today, I might compare it to Avatar and say that special effects are backtracking, but for its time its pretty cool. I really like how the character himself was done, and man, that bike was flippin sweet. My favorite part of the whole film is when Ghost Rider jumps right off the building, and we get an awesome slo-mo sequence. But the visuals of Ghost Rider can't save it entirely.

So overall, Ghost Rider isn't anything that special. Its acting is terrible, but the light plot that doesn't take itself too seriously and the fun visuals make Ghost Rider a decent movie, but not one you will be watching over and over again. I would not recceomend the Extended Cut, as the movie seemed to drag on a little to much, especially in the last scene. I will be looking forward for the sequel, but I don't think there's anyone who will be counting the days until the release date. Ghost Rider is decent, and if your in the mood for some cheesy comic book action, this wouldn't be a terrible choice.




Smallville 9-18 "Upgrade" Review

Since I haven't had much to review lately, I decided to do TV show reviews BY EPISODE, and fpr the season finale review (well, instead of it) I'll do an entire season review (sorta like tv.ign.com). So here goes my review for last week's Smallville episode.

After those 3 or 4 episodes after "Absolute Justice", I had lost all the hope I had for Smallville Season 9 that i had for the first half pf the season. I mean come on, Pink Kryoptonite? Sometimes I wish the WB still had the rights, not the CW. Anyway, 9-17 "Checkmate" Got me a little more excited about this season's finale, and for this episode (9-18), I finally realized that season 9 can redeem itself, though it hasn't yet (I'm still trying to get over that Valentines Day one, and then the horrible Silver Banshee...never mind, I'm just going to continue with my review).

Upgrade brings the return of one of my favorite Smallville villains from one of my favorite Smallville episodes, Metallo. It also brings one of my least favorite season 2 storyline of Red Kryptonite. I absolutely hated that season 2 to season 3 transition where Clark is evil and leaves to metropolis. The writers actually integrated the Red Kryptonite into the Zod story arc this time, so it actually makes sense. I never thought I'd say this, but Red Kryptonite does actually work in this episode.

Of course, this also means Clark and Zod go to Seattle and make it snow.

Zod takes advantage of Clark's new attitude and uses him as an ally against Metallo, who turns out to be good this episode. Due to Smallville budget (I hate that stupid budget that keeps cool stuff from happening), the fight scene wasn't as epic as I would of hoped (kind of reminded me of Doomsday's "death"). Still, we got some memorable moments from Metallo, and I hope he comes back to Smallville Season 10.

I was hoping for a bigger twist at the end of the episode, but I did like how Zod was giving all the Kandorians powers. This is getting me really excited for the season 9 finale. (see major spoiler here)

This season could be my best if they do the season finale right. Right now, I still need some episodes like season 8's "Bride" to get over those awful mid-season episodes.


Clash of the Titans

Its been a while since I wrote a review, but after seeing Clash of the Titans and having a lot to say about it reminded me (plus McKay told me that his friends were asking for new posts, so what can I say? lol).

Clash of the Titans is based of the 1980's film of the same name (and I don't know if that was based on anything or what). It's about the son of Zeus, who has to stop the Kraken (giant monster thing) by chopping off Medusa's head and making the Kraken look at it. To get this out of the way now, Clash of the Titans has a silly and simple plot, and there were no twists or turns to write about. You can't expect to walk into this movie and expect a deep, convoluted story with gripping characters, exciting edge-of-your-seat suspense, and to leave the theater feeling wowed and begging for a sequel. This is a popcorn flick, not an Oscar award winner.

Now the question your asking right now is-- "Is it worth my time?" The simple answer is yes. The long answer is as follows:

Sam Worthington, the main guy from Avatar and the side character on Terminator Salvation, doesn't give any surprises or anything mentionable, but he does what he's expected of, and at the same time I think he enjoyed his part in the movie. The other actor that isn't terrible is Liam Neeson, who also gives his average role. All the other actors on the other hand aren't so great. I mean, its not like Megan Fox bad acting, but its definitely not up to Liam Neeson's standards either. But like I said, this movie isnt about any of that stuff.

What the movie is about is the action and visuals, and of course, the dreaded 3D. If you saw Avatar in 3D, you were probably thinking "3D in movie theaters is actually starting to look good." When you see this movie, you remember how bad it used to be before James Cameron took it to the next level.

The visuals are great. The Kraken is amazing looking, and the scorpions look cool, too. Medusa looks like Dreamworks animation, but I won't go there. (mostly) Everything in this movie looks top-notch, and that what you really gotta see Clash of the Titans for.

Clash of the Titans is not the next Lord of the Rings or anything, but its fun an enjoyable. Watching the Kraken in the last scene is enough for anyone who likes awesome special effects to see it. So bring your friends, get some popcorn, and enjoy a movie that wont amaze you, but you will have a good time. See it for fun, and nothing else.
