
The Dark Knight

I might see this one in the theaters. If not, definitely on DVD or surfthechannel.com (a website where you can watch movies and tv shows for free, and it's not illegal). Write your reviews!!!


MBJ said...

I saw that! Highly recommended. If you can, see it in IMAX! (I didn't, but it sure will be good, since I've been there a couple times.)

Skyler Olson said...


MBJ said...

Hey, where'd you hear that they were making a video game out of this? What's your source. If it's true, I can't wait! I'll buy it.

Skyler Olson said...


That's the source for the Dark Knight game!

Caseydude12345 said...

I don't think I'll ever watch this! It looks so violent.

Skyler Olson said...

I'm watching it on DVD. The estimated DVD arrival date is December 9, 2008.