
2012 Review

Similar to alien movies (see my "V" pilot review), disaster movies are not scarce. So, that means there are a lot of crappy disaster movies. This reminds me of all the disaster B movies my brother used to watch (and these are not good memories). Its not that disaster movies have a bad reputation, thats definitely not the case. Its the fact that there are good ones and bad ones.

But either way, the biggest appeal of disaster movies is not the story, and usually not the acting. Its about the latest special effects. The question for directors always is, how big can you make your disaster movie? How can you top the one that came out 6 months ago? How can you possibly have better special effects than last time?

So going into 2012, you know your not getting an intricate story or any realism at all. You're paying 10 bucks to go see our planet get destroyed in the coolest way possible.

My problem with 2012 though is that it takes itself to seriously. It tries too hard to cram a story into this disaster movie, but ultimately it just ends up with too many plot holes. The best way I can describe it is "2012 gives 'in the nick of time' a whole new meaning". Scene after scene they are SO close to dying, but hey, guess what? They get away JUST in time. Surprise, surprise.

But, that being said, 2012 is entertaining. I mean, its really fun to watch. I love the audience's reaction in the theatre when Wyoming blew up (complete silence). The whole movie is completely well done in the way its mainly trying to accomplish. Its amazing what a special effects team can do now, compared to 20 years ago.

So when you walk into 2012, know this: you're seeing a special effects demo, not a movie. This is not a bad thing, but you have to realize that 2012 is shallow when it comes to story. I personally enjoyed it, but you have to make the decision if you would rather see something with more story. 2012 is well done though, and it lived up to my expectations.


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