
Marley and Me Review

Let me start this out by saying I am not a fan of dogs. I know this sounds cruel, but the only reason I wanted to see this is that I heard there was a sad ending.

The movie starts out when Owen Wilson and Jenifer Anston (I don't think I spelled either of those right!) get married. Then, they get a dog. Yes, the beginning of the movie is as flat and boring as it sounds. I almost left to go do something else, but then the movie started to pick up.

Marley gets into all kinds of trouble, which is humorous but gets REALLY old after the first ten minutes. There should be a federal law that says you can't use the same joke twice, or thirty times for Marley's sake.

The couple then has there first child. Managing a child and a dog does bring more laughs, but again, only for the first couple minutes.

They have more kids, and the jokes stay the same. There is one scary part (pretty violent) and many inappropriate parts. This movie should NOT be PG. There's your warning.

Although Marley get some laughs, there isn't enough to make this more than a one-time family flick. Even look at the poster at the top, it says the same "joke" twice! B-

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